Dear Passenger,

Welcome aboard! My name is Fernando and as your driver today, I assure you that your safety and comfort are my top priorities during our time together. I am committed to providing you with the highest standard of service, and here is what I pledge:

I promise to drive smoothly and steadily, ensuring that accelerations and braking are gentle, and that turns are taken with great care. My aim is to manage the vehicle in such a manner that you could comfortably balance a glass of champagne without fear of it spilling.

I will adhere to all road safety laws, including observing speed limits and signals, and I will use my indicators well in advance of turns or lane changes to ensure your ride is predictable and secure.

I pledge not to use my mobile phone for calls, texts, or any other activities that could distract from my driving. Any necessary communications or navigations will be handled safely through hands-free devices, ensuring my full attention is on the road and your safety.

If at any time you feel that I do not live up to my promises, please let me know. I will take your feedback positively and use it to improve. However, if you choose, you may also email our customer service at [email protected].

Warm regards,

Fernando (Driver 060)

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